Your Sandy OTC Skin Care Products Need To Do More If you want to compete in today’s rapidly advancing anti-aging skin care market, your formulas need to do more. 20th century skin care products are being left behind.

Your Sandy cosmeceutical competitors are providing anti-aging products that work at the DNA level. Neuro-peptide creams stimulate collagen growth and repair. Anti-senescence products prevent chromosomal damage.

What are you offering to your Salt Lake City customers? Is it time to develop a product line that can compete? How about developing a specialty skin care line that takes the science in an exciting new direction?

Wasatch Contract Manufacturing specializes in creating the most advanced skin care, sun care, oral care, and hair care products. We are not new kids on the block. We have been pushing cosmeceutical chemistry in Salt Lake City for over ten years.

Our Services:

Our Personal Care Product Specialties: Peptide signaling, Gene expression, Mitochondrial anti-senescence, Oral care (tooth paste and oral rinse), Skin energy systems, OTC, Personal care, Hair care, Liquid nutrition, Anti-aging.

There are skin care markets ripe for picking. Let Wasatch help you find them.


About Wasatch Contract Manufacturing

Learn more about Wasatch Contract Manufacturing in Washington

Wasatch has been developing and manufacturing unique products for many of the world’s leading consumer product companies since 1998. Wasatch Labs’ Core Competencies include Sanitizers and Sunscreen Formulation.

Consider Wasatch Labs when you are sourcing a secondary manufacturer in Virginia for your existing products or perhaps a reliable, experienced laboratory for product development, formulation, packaging and fulfillment.

Wasatch Labs’ Competitive Advantages include International Packaging Capabilities.

Learn more about Wasatch Contract Manufacturing by visiting us online at:

Contact Wasatch:

  • Adam Green
  • 801-809-7766

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Here’s one to remember:

“There are no secrets to success. It is the result of preparation, hard work, and learning from failure.”

-Colin Powell
